Monthly Archives: November 2013

Time for reflection



Its that time of year we look back at what we are thankful for. Once again I have many, many things! Yes, it has been another hot mess of a year for myself and husband but what does not kill you only makes you stronger!

But seriously, there are lots of things I am thankful for this year. First off, the wonderful and relentless care from my husband. I may not say “thank you” as much as I should, but I couldn’t have ridden on this hell ride without you and Branden. Second my in laws, I am so lucky to have them in my life. They welcomed myself and son into their family with open arms and have helped me at times in a moments notice, for this I am truly thankful.

Now, when it comes to friends you really learn who they are when life throws You a curve ball. JB as always your my sista from anotha mista,I love just laughing with you 🙂 And I can’t forget my two friends that have been going through the whole mastectomy thing at the same time as myself. Who would have though way back in fourth grade when I met you that we would be getting new boobs now( actually I think we got our first set of boobs back in 4th grade lol). And to my other mastectomy partner in crime, I am so happy I was able to help you along the way. Like I said, another good thing about the big C is I now have another friend. And for all of this I am thankful!

Oh, and getting a new rack this year is something I am VERY thankful for! Even though a mastectomy is not the way you want to get it, I am thankful for no more breast cancer!! So have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

What do you think when you look at your body’s imperfections?


I received a a book called “Words That Matter” by the Oprah Magazine. This quote is about the truth of ones body, it really struck a cord with me. Enjoy!

I look at my very imperfect body and see its patches of history, like stamps on a passport. The stamps aren’t the kind of thing that would make me throw off my towel at the gym or be the first to jump naked into a lake. But like a good story, they remind me of where I been, and the annoying and endearing people I’ve met along the way.” – Betsy Carter


My body maybe in a state of transformation right now, and I accept that. I have many, many scars to show for the battles I have fought and won. I wear them as my metals of honor, because they are mine, I own them. The scars will always be there to remind me that I am stronger then I think! And no matter what life challenges are out there waiting for me, I can look at those scars and say, “I’ve got this!“.


My birthday gift from my Plastic Surgeon


Well I know I haven’t updated on my reconstruction status in a week or so. Last week I only did 25 cc’s and now unfortunately I’m getting filled every other week.( The week off is my gift lol)  I’m  now in the home stretch now I have three to four more fills to go!


I think I see it?

With all that being said, I’m still in a lot of pain. Not so much my left side, its the right side  The fills are getting harder to to take. I think it’s because of the previous radiation and the fact that there is not much room left in the boob region. However, I am able now to go without my bra stuffers! I actually somewhat have boobs now! They are more or less shaped like a whoopie cushion, mine don’t make noise when you squeeze them!


Hey! That’s an idea, to have squeekers in the expanders, kind of dog toys lol. That would be great, so at all the follow up appointments my girls would get a little squeak!

Anyone up for squeakers in your expanders?!?! Lol

Today is my 39th Birthday!


You know your getting old when the infomercials at 3am are for a  “Greatest Hits” collection for songs from when you where in high school! (WTF??) Bon Jovi, Pearl Jam, Guns n Roses and U2 are now part of the classics and “remastered” collection. I official feel very,very old! (At least they are on CD’s and not on cassettes lol)

Happy 39th to me! 🙂 
Oh…ps cancer, haha! You didn’t steal this birthday from me!

A Quotable Blog


Today I’m not writing, just gonna quote. ENJOY! 🙂


At least I think so!!






(Its the day after that is rough!)



This perfectly describes my sleep pattern right now!!! Lol





And I promise I will!!




Well, soon I will out boob you lol





This list started three years ago when the big C showed up!!




This is so true!




Haha!! Accept the feel up costs a $25 copay! If it was not a doctor doing it, it would be called prostitution!



This one is for my husband. I love you, but you just don't get it. Its ok, the voices in my head do lol.



And last, but not least…

Hope one or two made you smile! And if it did pass it on, its contiguous!